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OECIS Inclusion Policy
In accordance with the principles of the Salamanca Declaration adopted at the World Conference on Special Needs Education and the aims of IB education, we have developed and implemented a pragmatic inclusion policy in our daily education effort, attracting as many students as possible with the opportunity to receive an IB education. We require our teachers and staff to acquire some basic special education skills and we also hire special education teachers to help those students in need. Our inclusion policy is localized and school-based to meet the needs of inclusive education by incorporating special education into our work schedule. The entire school community pays attention to students with special education needs, try our very best to provide them the same educational opportunities as regular students, help them to solve the practical problems encountered in study and daily life, and stretch ourselves to the utter most to realize educational equity to achieve the goals set out in our inclusion policy.
遵照“世界特殊需要教育大会”上通过的《萨拉曼卡宣言》的诸多原则和 IB 教育宗旨,我们在教学实践中,制定合理的全纳教育政策,为尽可能多的学 生提供接受 IB 教育的机会,同时也要求教师掌握一些基础的特殊教育技能, 在必要时聘请特殊教育教师帮助有需要的学生。我们在实施全纳教育时因地 制宜,制定本土化、校本化的全纳教育政策,把特殊教育工作纳入学校工作日程,满足全纳教育的需求。整个学校社区关注有特殊教育需求的学生,给 予他们和正常学生均等的教育机会,逐一解决在特殊教育中遇到的实际问题, 全力实践教育公平,以实现全纳政策的一贯宗旨。
All the stakeholders of OECIS strongly believe in our mission of challenging and inspiring each child to reach his or her ethical, intellectual, and physical potential. In ensuring that this mission is translated into actions, we make it a point of duty to provide equal access to the IB schools to all willing students by using a variety of efficient approaches that meet their learning needs, including those classified as students with special education needs.
国际学校所有利益相关人员都坚信, 我们的使命是激发每位孩子在德育、智力和体力方面的潜能。为确保我们的 使命能转化为实际行动,我们利用各种有效的方法为所有愿意就读的学生提 供入读国际学校的机会,以满足他们的学习需要,并将之做为我们的责任之一,这些学习需要中包含特殊教育需要。
We believe that by recognizing and celebrating the diversity of our school community through cooperative and participative learning, we are encouraging the promotion and development of intercultural awareness among the students and staff.
We also understand that meeting the needs of students with learning difficulties requires concerted efforts and we remain unwavering in this regard.
我们也了解, 满足在学习上有困难的学生的需求,需要集体的努力。我们更要持续不断地努力。
Special Education Needs Students 特殊教育学生
The IB defines special educational needs students as candidates with individual learning needs, who have the intellectual capacity to meet all curriculum and assessment requirements, and who require special arrangements to demonstrate their level of achievement. The special needs students include both those who need special arrangement to carry out daily studies and those who possess special talents in certain subject area(s). For the former, the school will try to accommodate all prospective students that meet the minimum admission requirements and will benefit from the IB education. For the latter, the school will not only allow certain flexibility in their choice of courses and assign them adequate amount of challenging learning tasks but also provide them opportunities to learn extra courses they are capable of handling.
国际文凭认为 每个学生都是有单独学习需要的个体,他们有智力能力来完成课程大纲和评 估要求,他们也需要特殊的安排来展示他们的成就。有特殊教育需求的学生 包括难以在正常情况下完成学业的学生和在某些科目方面有特殊天赋的学 生。对于前者,学校会尽量满足所有符合最低招生条件并且能够从 IB 教育 中获益的有特殊教育需要的学生。对于那些在某些学科或某些方面有特殊天赋的学生,我们不仅允许他们有更灵活的选课自由,给他们布置具有挑战性 的学习任务,而且也给他们提供力所能及的相应额外课程。
Candidates who require special assessment arrangements may display the characteristics of one or more of the special educational needs:
Specific learning difficulties, language and communication disorders.
Significant difficulties in reading, writing, spelling or manipulating numbers associated with difficulties in processing symbolic language (for example, problems interpreting music notation, dyslexia, dyscalculia).
在与符号语言相关 的拼、读、写或者数字处理方面有严重障碍,例如无法认识音乐符号、阅读 障碍、计算障碍。
Speech and language difficulties characterized by communication problems (for example, aphasia, dysphasia, articulation problems).
Emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD): 情感行为困难:
Includes: attention deficit disorder (ADD) /attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); withdrawn, depressive or suicidal attitudes; obsessional preoccupation with eating habits; school phobia; substance abuse; disruptive antisocial and uncooperative behavior; and anger, frustration and violence.
Physical and sensory conditions 身体和感官问题
Physical disabilities include a wide range of conditions that are not always immediately obvious but affect mobility.
Sensory impairments: hearing embraces an extensive range of hearing loss from mild to profound and can present communication difficulties; visual nuclides difficulties with either the structure or function of the eye, affecting vision.
Medical conditions 需治疗的情况
The most common being: congenital heart disease, epilepsy, asthma, cystic fibrosis, hemophilia, sickle cell anemias, diabetes, renal failure, eczema, rheumatoid disorders, allergies, leukemia and other cancers.
最普通的情况:先天性心脏病、癫痫、哮喘、囊性纤维化、血友病、镰状细胞贫血、糖尿病、 肾衰竭、湿疹、类风湿性疾病、过敏性反应、 白血病及其他癌症。
Mental health problems 精神疾病
A wide range of conditions that can affect a person’s state of mind, ranging from psychotic conditions such as schizophrenia and manic depression to eating disorders, anxieties and emotional distress caused by circumstances in a candidate’s life. 包含一系列可以影响人的精神状态的病症,例如:精神分裂 症、躁狂抑郁症、焦虑症、因为该生所处环境影响可能造成的情绪困扰。
This policy will guide and inform our practices as our school community strives to meet the following objectives:
Ensure the students with SEN guaranteed access to further studies.
确保有特殊 教育需要的学生能继续学习。
Encourage total support by everyone in the school for the implementation of the policy through shared responsibilities;
通过共同承担职责,鼓励学校的每个人 落实该政策;
Meet the many cultural and physical needs of each student.
Ensure that mechanisms are put in place to allow the completion of study by all enrolled SEN students.
有机制保证有特殊教育需要的学生可以完成相应的学 习。
Ensure that appropriate teaching and learning resources are put in place for all SEN students.
Create and promote an atmosphere of inclusiveness in the school community.
Ensure the incorporation of support elements in the curriculum.
保证课程在提供 帮助方面进行集体协作;
Encourage cooperative teaching and learning in every level.
保证各段的合作教 育教学;
Provide psychological services for students with SEN and their parents.
Develop working relationships with professional agencies in identifying, assessing and assisting in the provision of support for SEN students.
加强与专业机构的联系,对这些特殊教育需要的学生所需帮助的方面提供确认、评估和 协助;
Ensure that special needs staff are hired and provided adequate training.
Admission policy招生政策
Our admission policy clearly lists the admission requirements for all students but we may not be able to meet all special needs at all times due to the following reasons:
我们的招生政策清晰地指明招生需求是针对所有可能的各段学生,但我们可 能并不能一直招收有特殊教育需要的学生,原因如下:
Lack of adequate human resources and facilities to cater for special needs such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, total hearing and visual disorder, muscular dystrophy, and any other severe neurological dysfunctions.
We will assist parents to find out if there are special schools or institutions in the local community, such as schools for the deaf, the blind and so on such special schools and institutions can provide more specialized education to benefit the above-mentioned students.
When we enroll students with special education needs, we need to learn more about their physical and mental conditions, hospital diagnostic certificates, interview the students, and decide whether to accept them based on the conditions available. Students admitted under the inclusion policy are classified as priority students.
If the parents refuse to present /are unable to provide relevant medical information or treatment records of their students with special educational needs at the time of admission, we will make a decision based on the student's individual performance.
We will sign a home-school cooperation agreement with parents at the time of enrollment.
Identifying and reporting SEN 对于有特殊教育需要的学生进行确认和汇报
Understanding that learning difficulties could arise at any time due to many reasons, including family factors, moving into a new learning environment, and language difficulties; teachers will remain observant and pay attention to the slightest display of learning difficulties of students.
由于多方面原因,在任何时 候都可能会遇到学习方面的难题,比如家庭因素、搬迁到新的学习环境中、 语言困难等,老师需要有敏锐的观察能力,时刻关注这些有特殊教育需要的 学生可能会遇到的学习方面的难题。
Once this is noticed, the teacher will inform the coordinator. The coordinator and homeroom teacher, after establishing the difficulty to exist, will then take the following steps:
教师一旦注意到这些,需要告知到学段协调员。确认这些困 难确实存在后,协调员和班主任将会采取以下措施:
Draft a plan to better meet the need identified.
Ø Invite the student’s parents to school and share the findings with them; If necessary, parents are advised to take the student to a specialized hospital for checkups.
Ø Counsel the parents about possible ways of handling the difficulties identified.
Ø Encourage teachers to, confidentially, document their observations of the concerned student. A compilation of these observations will be included in the student’s file. The student will be also provided more humanistic care and help as a priority student.
鼓励教师对他们发现的问题进行存档并保密,这些观察 记录会放入学生的个人档案夹。该生也将作为重点关注学生给予更多人文关怀和帮助
Ø Refer parents of severe SEN for formal assessment of the difficulty by experts.
In situations where the SEN cannot be sufficiently accommodated by the school due to insufficient resources, referral to an appropriate school will be communicated to the parents.
由于资源不足而使校方不能提供充足的帮助, 建议家长把孩子转学到更合适的学校学习。
Rights and responsibilities of all members of the school community regarding inclusive education:
In order to create a healthy and comfortable living and learning environment to meet the educational needs of special education students, our school will collect enrollment information of special education students one semester in advance to understand their specific conditions, allowing sufficient time for the school to recruit teachers with special education experience and skills, and improve related facilities, such as adding barrier-free access to the learning area, installing additional elevators, and improving sanitary facilities in the living area.
为营造健 康舒适的生活环境和教学环境,满足特殊教育学生的教育需求,我校将提前一个学期收集特殊教育学生的报名信息,了解他们的具体情况,给学校留出 时间招聘有特殊教育经验和技能的教师,并改进相关设施,例如在教学区增 设无障碍通道、增设电梯、改进生活区的卫生设施等。
All members of the school community must have "inclusive education literacy" - inclusive education concepts, inclusive educational knowledge and inclusive educational skills. We will make every effort to ensure that students with special educational needs enjoy the same educational opportunities and that each student can enjoy the same educational resources in order to promote the development of each student's emotional, psychological and cognitive abilities. Principals, section heads and coordinators take the lead in focusing on students with special educational needs and urge the implementation of the responsibilities of all school staff.
学校社区所有成员在实施全纳教育时必须具备“全纳教育素养” ——全纳教育观念、全纳教育知识和全纳教育技能与能力。保证有特殊教育 需求的学生享有同等的教育机会,保障每个学生能够享受到同等的教育空间 和教育资源,以促进每个学生情感、心理、认知能力的长足发展。校长、学 段长和协调员带头关注有特殊教育需求的学生,督促落实学校有关人员的责任。
Rights and Responsibilities of Homeroom Teachers:
Homeroom teachers must ensure that students with special education needs have healthy physical and psychological development. They should instruct special education students to master the necessary safety measures so that they know how to safely escape or self-rescue in case of emergences, such as conducting regular safety education classes and organizing effective fire safety education, fire escape drills and earthquake escape drills utilizing the school's resources. Homeroom teachers should educate normal students how to get along with special education students and help them in escape drills, emergency evacuation and other emergent scenarios.
班主任要保证有特殊教育需求的学生身体和心理得到健康发展。班主任要指导特殊教育学生学习掌握必要的安全常识,让 他们懂得一定的安全逃生或自救技能,例如定期开展安全教育课程,利用学 校的资源,组织师生一起开展行之有效的消防安全教育、防火逃生演练和地 震逃生演练。班主任要教育正常学生如何与特殊教育学生相处,并在逃生演练、紧急避难等场景中帮助特殊教育学生。
Homeroom teachers are expected to educate students with special educational needs to guard against possible injuries caused by peers and/or from outside school, and to prohibit bullying. They also need to pay close attention to the subtle changes in the physical and physiological characteristics of special education students, keep a close eye on their health status, and know certain pathological knowledge and rescue skills. The homeroom teacher should keep track on the activities of special education students, escort them to and from school, and communicate with their parents during weekends and holidays to avoid external injuries. Homeroom teachers should also pay attention to the mental health of special education students, to know how to communicate and give timely guidance to help them live a healthy and happy life.
班主任要教育有 特殊教育需求的学生防范同学之间以及外来的人为伤害,并严禁欺凌现象。 班主任需要密切关注特殊教育学生身体、生理特征的微妙变化,及时掌握学 生的健康状况,懂得一定的病理常识和施救技能。班主任要及时掌握特殊教 育学生的动态,上下学过程中做到全程陪护,假期及时与家长沟通,避免外 来的人为伤害。班主任还应注重特殊教育学生的心理健康状况,要懂得沟通, 善于沟通,及时疏导学生的心理障碍,引导学生健康快乐学习生活。
Rights and Responsibilities of Subject Teachers: 全纳教育中学科教师的权利和 责任:
Subject teachers should fully consider the psychological characteristics and individual differences of students and adopt teaching methods that are suitable for the development of special education students, so that they can eventually achieve greater development. In the process of guidance, subject teachers should respect the individual differences of special education students: the curriculum should be set up to meet the needs of the physical and mental health development of special education students; the curriculum should be implemented to facilitate the learning and growth of special education students; the use of teaching aids must be in accordance with the habits and physical characteristics of special education students; for example, necessary hearing aids should be provided for students with hearing impairment, special learning materials should be provided for students with visual impairment.
学科教师要充分结合学生的心理特点、个体差异,采取适合特殊教育学生发展的教学方法,最终让其在现有基础上获 得较大发展。学科教师在学习指导过程中要能充分尊重特殊教育学生的个体 差异性,课程的设置要符合特殊教育学生身心健康发展的需求,课程实施要 以方便特殊教育学生的学习和成长为出发点,教学用具的使用必须符合特殊 教育学生的使用习惯和身体特点,例如要为听觉欠灵敏的学生提供必要的助 听设备,为视觉有障碍的学生提供特殊的学习材料。
Teachers of each subject should respect the learning needs and habit of special education students and initiate humanized learning guidance programs for special education students based on the curriculum characteristics, such as offering courses at different levels or setting individual completion times for different students.
各学科教师要尊重特殊教育学生的学习需求和学习习惯,依据本学科的课程特点,为特殊教育学生设置人性化的学习指导方案,例如开设不同 层级的课程,或者针对不同学生的学习情况单独规定完成时间。
Rights and Responsibilities of Dorm Teachers: 全纳教育中生活老师的权利和 责任:
Dorm teachers should pay close attention to the details of special education students' lives, facilitate the lives of special education students, and make efforts to improve the quality of their life. Dorm teachers should regularly check group hygiene and personal hygiene, guide special education students to form good hygiene habits, and focus on helping supervise students with special education needs to implement hygiene habits in their daily lives. For students who are new and younger, using a pairing system where students in the same dormitory help each other. Dorm teachers are also required to implement a strict system to know the attendance of each student and ensure their health status while they are in the living quarters. Dorm manager ensures to have some dorm teachers on night duty schedule to monitor students with special education needs, help them justify clothing and quilts with the change of seasons, and create, consequently, a healthy and comfortable living environment for all students.
生活老师要关注特殊教育 学生的生活细节,为特殊教育学生的生活提供便利,着力提高特殊教育学生 的生活质量。生活老师要定期检查集体卫生和个人卫生,引导特殊教育学生 形成良好的卫生习惯,注重在日常生活中帮助督促有特殊教育需求的学生落 实卫生习惯。对于刚入学且年龄较小的学生,实行教、帮、带,采用结对子 的形式让同宿舍的同学互相帮助。生活老师还需要执行严格的巡查制度,学 生在生活区时,要了解每位学生的出勤情况并确保他们的健康状况。生活教 师夜间安排执勤,检查学生睡觉、盖被子情况,随季节变化帮助学生增减衣 被,督促学生规律作息,为所有学生营造健康舒适的生活环境。
Rights and responsibilities of school canteens: 全纳教育中食堂的权利和责任:
School canteens should adhere to the supply of high-quality food and dishes with a balanced nutrients for students, the implementation of the system of accompanying meals. People who accompany the students with meals are responsible for checking the appearance, taste, and quality of meals. They are required to supervise the sanitary environment of the canteens, the work of the staff. They also need to collect the views and suggestions from students and make a good record of accompanying meals.
学校食堂要坚持为学生供应高质 量的卫生食品,制定营养搭配均衡的食谱,落实陪餐制度,陪餐人员随同学 生一起就餐,负责对所食用饭菜的外观、口味、质量等进行认真评价,负责 对食堂卫生环境、从业人员工作情况等进行监督,负责征求就餐学生的意见 建议,并做好陪餐记录。
School canteens should create a comfortable dining environment for all students, including convenient dining facilities, such as the height of the dining tables, the distance between the dinning tables, and between dinning table and the place where to pick up meals.
学校食堂要为学生创造舒适的就餐环境,用餐设施需 为学生就餐提供便利,例如餐桌的高度设置、餐桌之间的距离、取餐的距离等。
General support for assessment 评估所需要的支持
Examples of special consideration include but are not limited to the following:
Ø Time related consideration 与时间相关的照顾
Negotiated extra time for assessment (e.g. up to 30 minutes extra per hour) 协商对于考试需要额外的时间,例如最高可以每个小时给额外30分钟时间。
Negotiated time for completing assignments 协商完成作业所需时间
Options of rest breaks 可以选择休息的时间
Scheduling of exams, e.g., morning/afternoon 安排考试时间例如上午/下午
Ø Change in presentation for papers or assignments 在试卷或评估中表达方式的改变
Braille format 盲文
Print size e.g. large print 打印字号,如用大号字打印
Format clear, uncluttered, well-spaced of information 格式清晰、整洁、留有一定间距
Alternative text/background colour 改变文本或背景的颜色
Parallel presentation of language C¨ symbols, signs, graphics 语言 C 表达,符号、标识、图形
Rewording the questions 重述问题
Ø Use of appropriate technology使用适当的科学技术
Low vision aids 视力低下辅助
Word processor with spellchecker 带拼写检查的文字处理器
Talking or large print calculators语音或大字符的计器
Use of specialized software,e.g. reading software 使用特殊软件,如阅读软件
Assistive listening devices 辅助听力设施
Captions 说明文字
Augmentative and alternative communication devices 辅助或其他同类的交流设施
Access to information through CD Rom, video and audio 通过光碟、视频或音频获得信息
Different environmental conditions不同的环境条件
Appropriate lighting and seating合适的灯光和座位
Tests supervised in different room在不同房间进行考试
Oral presentations to reduced audience 有相对少数听众的口头考试
Ø Variation in students’ response to the assessment task 对于这类学生评估任务的调整
Assessments presented in different formats, e.g. audio 以不同形式进行评估,如声频
Use of other tactile/concrete materials 使用其他触觉或有形的资料
Parallel representation of language – signs, symbols, graphics 等同于语言表达——如图案、符号、图表
Presentation in signed mode instead of spoken mode 用手势而非言语的方式进行表述
Augmentative and alternative communication devices 辅助或其他同类的交流设施
Computer presentation 用电脑表述
The IB allows for a number of special arrangements for students with SEN during their preparation of work for assessment and in written examinations. These special arrangements are to be applied for by the coordinator according to the current assessment procedures and IB access and inclusion policy.
Education Queensland. Special Education Needs Policy.
2009/2009 年特殊教育需要,昆士兰教育
Learning diversity and inclusion in IB programmes: Removing barriers to learning 2016
Access and inclusion policy 2018
Candidates with assessment access requirements 2009 IB Candidates with Special Assessment Needs. pp. 2 -3. IB, 209/2009 年国际文凭大学预科项目特殊评估需要的考生第 2-3
Candidates with special assessment needs (2011) (specific to the Diploma Programme)
Continuum learning stories for inclusive education (2013) Language and learning in IB programmes (2011)
Learning diversity and the IB Programmes/Special educational needs within the lnternational Baccalaureate programmes (2010) Meeting student learning diversity in the classroom (2013) - A summary of learning challenges and suggested teaching strategies and ideas for resources.
Programme standards and practices (2018)
Access and inclusion policy(2018)
What is an IB education? (2019)
Diploma Programme Assessment procedures 2023 (2022)