编辑:Karry、李平 来源: 撰稿:程晖 审稿:王增光 定稿:校长室 时间:2024-11-29 访问:次
五元融一体 丰富又神奇
Five Dimensions in Harmony
A Rich and Wonderful Experience
The DP Parent Meeting at OECIS
Successfully Concluded
孩子的成长,是家校共同关注的焦点。为了让家长们更全面、深入地了解孩子们在学校的学习生活情况,共同探讨助力孩子成长的良策,深圳东方英文书院国际部DP于 2024 年11月19日成功召开了一场精彩纷呈、意义非凡的家长会。众多家长怀揣着对孩子 的关爱与期待,准时出席了本次活动,下面就跟随我们的脚步,一起回顾家长会的精彩瞬间吧!
The growth of children is a shared focus for both the school and parents. To provide parents with a more comprehensive and in-depth understanding of their children's learning and life at school, and to discuss strategies for supporting their children's development, OECIS DP successfully held an exciting and meaningful parent meeting on November 19, 2024. Many parents, full of love and anticipation for their children, attended the event on time. Let’s follow our steps and revisit the wonderful moments of the parent meeting!
01 期中总结,明晰学习轨迹
Midterm Summary: Clarifying the Learning Progress
At the beginning of the meeting, the class teachers from each DP classroom initiated the midterm summary session. The teachers had carefully prepared detailed materials and used intuitive performance charts and vivid, engaging classroom examples to comprehensively showcase the students' learning achievements in the first half of the semester. From knowledge mastery in various subjects to the development of learning habits, and from classroom performance to areas for improvement, every detail was covered. Parents listened attentively, some nodding in agreement, others taking notes carefully. Everyone hoped that through this in-depth understanding, they could provide more targeted support for their children after class, ensuring a smooth path for their learning journey.
02 TOK 展示,领略思维魅力
TOK Exhibition: Experience the Charm of Thinking
告别期中总结,家长们移步至 403 教室,看到了令人眼前一亮的 TOK(知识理论)展示环节。在这里,同学们成为舞台的主角,他们自信满满地站在讲台上,运用演讲、KT板演示、交流讨论等多样化的形式,将自己对不同知识领域的独特见解和深度思考展现得淋漓尽致。有的同学分享了对文学作品中人性探索的感悟,引发了大家对人生哲理的思考;有的同学通过数学逻辑的剖析,展示了思维的严谨性与创新性。孩子们精彩的表现让家长们不禁感叹,原来孩子们在学校里不仅学到了知识,更培养了如此深刻且富有创造力的思维方式,现场不时响起热烈的掌声。
After the homeroom teachers’ presentation, parents moved to Room 403, where they were greeted by the impressive TOK (Theory of Knowledge) Exhibition segment. Here, the students became the stars of the show, confidently using various forms such as speeches, KT board demonstrations, and discussions to showcase their unique insights and deep reflections on different areas of knowledge. Some students shared their reflections on the exploration of human nature in literary works, prompting thoughts on life philosophy; others analyzed mathematical logic, demonstrating the rigor and creativity of their thinking. The students' outstanding performances left the parents in awe, realizing that their children had not only learned knowledge at school but had also developed such profound and creative ways of thinking. The room was filled with frequent applause.
03 学科活动,感受多元趣味
Subject Activities: Experience Diverse Fun
与此同时,402 教室则变成了欢乐与创意的海洋,学科活动展示在此火热进行。各学科老师们别出心裁地策划了丰富多彩的活动,英语B学科向大家还原了真实的英语B课堂,展示了DP1学生们在课堂上的辩论活动片段。辩论的主题是青少年是否应该拥有一个学术间隔年来探索世界和丰富自己的人生。学生们通过这种辩论活动不仅对辩论主题有了更深刻的理解,而且增强了自己对于英语B课程学习的自信。语文的戏剧《雷雨》二创表演仿佛带大家穿越时空,领略了20世纪初的动荡社会下人性的碰撞;数学的趣味知识竞赛让孩子们在紧张刺激的比拼中展现出对数学知识的灵活运用;美术学科的创意作品展览更是让人眼前一亮,一幅幅充满想象力的画作见证了孩子们独特的审美与艺术天赋;工商、经济学生模拟演示了一场外资的招商洽谈会,分析了海底捞在巴西投资提供火锅服务的优劣势、机遇和挑战;法语班的学生戴上了鲜艳的小红帽,穿上了洁白的T恤演唱了2024年巴黎奥运会的主题曲…… 看着孩子们在不同学科活动中绽放出的光彩,家长们深刻体会到了学校多元化教学的魅力,也明白了全面发展、国际视野对于孩子成长的重要性。
Meanwhile, Room 402 transformed into a sea of joy and creativity, where subject activities were in full swing. Teachers from various subjects had thoughtfully planned a range of vibrant activities. English B students recreated a real English B classroom, showcasing a debate activity where DP1 students discussed whether teenagers should take a gap year to explore the world and enrich their lives. Through this debate, students not only gained a deeper understanding of the topic but also boosted their confidence in learning the English B course. The Chinese drama 'Thunderstorm' was performed with a creative twist, taking everyone through time to experience the clash of human nature in the turbulent society of the early 20th century. The math quiz competition allowed the students to demonstrate their flexible application of mathematical knowledge in an exciting and tense contest. The art exhibition of creative works was truly eye-catching, with imaginative paintings reflecting the students' unique aesthetic sense and artistic talent. Business and economics students simulated a foreign investment negotiation meeting, analyzing the advantages, disadvantages, opportunities, and challenges of Haidilao’s investment in Brazil to offer hotpot services. French class students wore bright red hats and white T-shirts to perform the theme song for the 2024 Paris Olympics. Watching their children shine in different subject activities, parents deeply appreciated the charm of the school's diversified teaching approach and understood the importance of a well-rounded education and global perspective in their children's growth.
04 科学实验,探索奇妙世界
Science Experiments: Exploring the Wonderful World
同一时间,在 404 教室正上演着一场奇妙的科学之旅 —— 自然科学实验展示。孩子们摇身一变,成为小小的科学家,熟练地操作着实验仪器,有条不紊地进行着各种有趣的实验。从 生物“水果中的DNA” 到化学 “神奇的红绿灯”再到物理的“音乐冲击波”等,一个个看似平常却又蕴含着科学奥秘的实验现象呈现在家长们眼前,引得大家纷纷围上前去,好奇地观察、询问。孩子们则像小老师一样,耐心地为家长们讲解实验原理,这一刻,科学的种子在孩子们心中种下,也在家长们的赞叹声中生根发芽,让大家共同感受到了自然科学的无穷魅力。
At the same time, Room 404 was hosting a fascinating scientific journey — a natural science experiment demonstration. The students transformed into little scientists, skillfully operating experimental equipment and conducting a series of engaging experiments in an orderly manner. From biology's 'DNA in Fruit' to chemistry's 'Magical Traffic Lights' and physics' 'Musical Shockwaves,' each experiment, seemingly ordinary yet filled with scientific mysteries, was presented to the parents. Curious parents gathered around to observe and ask questions. The students, like little teachers, patiently explained the principles behind the experiments. In that moment, the seeds of science were planted in the children's hearts, taking root and sprouting with the parents' admiration, allowing everyone to experience the endless charm of natural science together.
05 三方会谈,共商成长大计
Tri-party Dialogue: Discussing the Growth Plan Together
教室外,一场关乎孩子们未来发展的深度交流 —— 三方会谈也在温馨且融洽的氛围中展开。班主任、任课教师与家长们聚在一起,就每一个孩子的个性特点、学习优势与不足、心理状态等方面进行了细致入微的沟通。大家畅所欲言,老师们根据自己的教学经验给出专业的建议,家长们也分享了孩子在家中的表现和成长点滴,共同为孩子量身定制适合的成长计划,确保每一个孩子都能在接下来的学习生活中得到最恰当的引导和支持,向着更好的自己迈进。
Outside the classroom, a deep conversation about the children’s future development — the tri-party dialogue — took place in a warm and harmonious atmosphere. Homeroom teachers, subject teachers, and parents gathered together for a detailed discussion on each child’s personality traits, learning strengths and weaknesses, and psychological state. Everyone spoke freely, with teachers offering professional advice based on their teaching experience, while parents shared their children’s behaviors and growth moments at home. Together, they tailored a personalized growth plan for each child, ensuring that every student would receive the most appropriate guidance and support in their upcoming academic journey, helping them move toward becoming the best version of themselves.
携手共进 , 展望美好未来
Hand in Hand, Looking Forward to a Bright Future
As the various sessions came to a successful conclusion, this parent meeting also came to a close. However, the reflections and insights it brought us are far from over. This parent meeting was not only a transmission of information, but also a heart-to-heart communication and emotional connection between the school and the families. Through face-to-face exchanges and interactions, the distance between school and home has become closer. Together, we have woven a tight support network for the children’s growth.
We believe that, with the joint efforts of both the school and the families, each child will thrive in an environment filled with love and care, ready to embrace their bright future! Let us continue to work hand in hand, lighting more beacons along the path of their growth!
We thank all parents for their cooperation with the school’s efforts and express our gratitude to the school leadership for their support of this event. We look forward to our next gathering, where we can witness even more progress and growth in the children!