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编辑:Karry、李平 来源: 文字|李鑫  审核|王增光 定稿|校长室 时间:2025-01-12 访问:


At the playground of  OECIS, a lively and bustling Flea Market event has kicked off, creating a joyful ocean full of imagination and excitement.


As the sun shone down on every corner of the playground, the stalls of the flea market sprung up like mushrooms after the rain. Colorful banners and meticulously crafted posters immediately caught everyone’s attention. Students arrived early, eager to set up their little corners of wonder. Each stall was filled with a dazzling array of items: cute toys, creative accessories, delicious treats, traditional painted fans, calligraphy creations, and various fun games.


The creativity of the stalls shone through with their uniquely designed signs, guiding people to discover hidden treasures.

随着欢快的音乐响起,跳蚤市场正式开张。同学们和老师们纷纷化身为热情的 “淘宝者”,穿梭在各个摊位之间。这里,漆扇体验、书法挥墨可能勾起你创作的欲望;那里,一个别致的小挂件或许能为你的生活增添一抹亮色。大家兴致勃勃地挑选着心仪的物品,与摊主们你来我往地讨价还价,欢声笑语回荡在校园上空。

As the lively music began, the flea market officially opened. Students and teachers enthusiastically became “shoppers,” weaving through the stalls. Here, the experience of painting on traditional fans or practicing calligraphy might spark your artistic side; over there, a charming little trinket could add a touch of color to your life. Everyone eagerly selected their favorite items, engaging in lively haggling with the stall owners. Laughter and excitement filled the air, echoing across the campus.


The Flea Market at OECIS was not just about buying and selling but also about spreading love. Students brought their idle items to sell or exchange, and the proceeds, depending on the students’ wishes, could go towards charitable causes. Through this initiative, students learned the value of sharing and c


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